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Cantine Volpi

Cantine Volpi

CANTINE VOLPI is a family house from the beginning of the 20th century. Since 1914 it has been located in Tortona (Piedmont), in the wine region of Colli Tortonesi, Gavi and Oltrepo Pavese, where it now owns more than 28 hectares of vineyards.

The term "Moscato" appears as early as the Middle Ages with the meaning of "perfumed", but it was already widespread among the Greeks and Romans.

The grape variety is the "white muscat" which has found its region of excellence in Piedmont since 1300 according to production records.

Harvested by hand, the grapes are lightly pressed, filtered and left to ferment naturally in closed vats under pressure for a few days. The wine is ready to drink a few days after bottling. It is slightly sparkling with 5.5 degrees of alcohol.

Why is Moscato so popular?

First of all by its softness and lightness. It has a musky aroma, a delicate and intense flavour reminiscent of wisteria and linden, peach and apricot and has notes of lemon and orange blossom. It is also appreciated for its low alcohol content. Moscato is increasingly being consumed even outside the usual time of dessert and fruit. It can be found as an aperitif, in cocktails or on its own as a wine for meditation, as good as unexpected.




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