An ice-cold vacherin with red fruits ideally paired with the Si Irrésistible rosé. A finish that you won't soon forget...
Iced Vacherin with red fruits
2 large meringues
2 eggs
300 cl of liquid fresh cream
2 packets of vanilla sugar
3 tablespoons icing sugar
Fresh red fruit or a frozen mixture
Red fruit coulis
An iron hinged mould
1Take 3 salad bowls with you.
2First place one of the salad bowls in the refrigerator with the liquid crème fraîche.
3Separate the whites from the yolks in two bowls.
4Whip the egg yolks with the vanilla sugar.
5In the second bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff with an electric mixer and then gently add them to the previous mixture.
6In the 3rd bowl (placed in the refrigerator), whip the liquid crème fraîche with the icing sugar.
7In the 1st bowl (egg yolks + vanilla sugar), add the whipped cream and the egg whites. Mix delicately until you obtain a very smooth cream.
8In an iron springform pan, pour a little red fruit coulis to coat the bottom and then pour half of your creamy preparation.
9Place a few pieces of meringues on top of the assembly in progress, add a few red fruits and a bit of coulis.
10Repeat these assembly steps until your preparation, meringue and red fruits run out.
11Place your cake tin in the freezer for 4 hours or overnight to get a well-held vacherin.
To accompany this dessert, your wine merchant offers you the Si Irrésistible Crémant de Loire from the Maison Louis de Grenelle.
The Si Irrésistible is a gourmet sparkling rosé wine with notes of fruit intertwined with flowers, a gourmet taste with hints of citrus fruit.