Let's go to Ireland for St. Patrick's Day! Enjoy the real Irish Coffee in comfort.
Irish Coffee
For 2 persons :
10 cl of irish whiskey
Fairly strong coffee prepared and warmed beforehand
Chocolate powder
4 tablespoons powdered sugar
1In two heat-resistant glasses, pour 5cl of whiskey and 2 tablespoons of caster sugar into each glass. Warm your glasses in the microwave to the same temperature as your hot coffee.
2Sacrifice a small spoon and fold it at a 90°C angle.
3Place this small folded spoon in the glass on the surface of the mixture.
4Pour the still hot coffee into the spoon, stirring it up as you go, to prevent the coffee from dipping into the whiskey.
Whiskey and coffee should form two distinct layers.
5Finally, add whipped cream over your glass and sprinkle it with Chocolate powder.