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What is organic wine?

What is organic wine?

Every year nearly 500 new winegrowers switch to organic farming!

France is now the third largest producer of organic wines in the world. In 2018, a 63% increase was achieved on areas in organic conversion.

Now more than 94,000 hectares of French vineyards are organic or in conversion to organic.

How can you be sure that the wine meets its appellation on the label?

At CAVAVIN, we favour winegrowers who are already organic or in conversion.

Other appellations that you can find in our cellars:

High Environmental Value (HVE): Production is particularly environmentally friendly. In addition, they are governed by precise specifications with requirements controlled on site by independent bodies accredited by the State.

Vegan: Use of a vegetable glue made from vegetable proteins such as peas, wheat or potatoes to replace animal-based glues.

Terra Vitis: a global approach, which takes into account the entire operation of the farm, its environment, its people and its economic viability.


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